Blue/Red Belt Forms

Palgwe Yook Jang

Blue belts must learn this form in order to advance to a Red Belt.

Ready Position

  1. Turn to the left (90º) by moving the left foot into a left back stance while executing a middle-section double knife-hand block.
  2. Execute a middle-section front-snap kick with the right foot.
  3. Step down into a right forward stance while executing a middle-section straight punch with the right fist.
  4. Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, turn the body to the right (180º) by moving the right foot into a left back stance while executing a middle-section double knife-hand block.
  5. With the right foot fixed, execute a middle-section front-snap kick with the left foot.
  6. Step down into a left forward stance while executing a middle-section straight punch with the left fist.
  7. Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn to the left (90º) by moving the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a low block with the left arm.
  8. Without moving your feet, simultaneously execute a knife-hand high block with the left hand and a knife-hand neck attack with the right hand.
  9. With the left foot fixed, execute a high front-snap kick with the right foot.
  10. As you step down, jump forward with the right foot and move the left foot behind in a cross stance while executing a middle-section double-hand back fist.
  11. Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn to the left (270º) by moving the left foot into a right back stance while executing a low double knife-hand block.
  12. Keeping the right foot fixed, slide the left foot into a left forward stance while executing an outer wedge block.
  13. With the left foot fixed, execute a front-snap kick with the right foot
  14. Step down into a right forward stance while executing a middle-section double punch starting with the right fist.
  15. Then punch with the left fist.
  16. Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, turn to the right (180º) by moving the right foot into a left back stance while executing a low double knife-hand block.
  17. Keeping the left foot fixed, slide the right foot into a right forward stance while executing an outer wedge block.
  18. With the right foot fixed, execute a middle-section front-snap kick with the left foot.
  19. Step down into a left forward stance while executing a middle-section double-punch starting with the left fist.
  20. Then punch with the right fist.
  21. Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn to the left (90º) by moving the left foot into a right back stance while executing a middle-section double knife-hand block.
  22. Slide the left foot into a left forward stance. Raise the left hand with the palm out in front of the head for a block (Rising Knife-block) while simultaneously executing a palm strike with the right hand.
  23. With the left foot fixed, execute a high-section front-snap kick with the right foot.
  24. Step down into a right forward stance while executing a back fist with the right hand. KIYAP!
  25. With the right foot fixed, execute a high-section front-snap kick with the left foot.
  26. Step down into a left forward stance while executing a high block with the left hand.
  27. With the left foot fixed, execute a middle-section side kick with the right foot.
  28. Drop down into a left back stance while executing a middle-section double knife-hand block.
  29. Pivoting on heels, turn the upper body to the left (180º) into a right back stance while executing a middle-section double knife-hand block.

Return to ready position

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